Wednesday 2 January 2019

Legal and Licensed Five Star Exclusive Brothels

Prostitution, the world’s oldest trade is legal in many countries of the world. Over the years the trade has grown exponentially in many countries across the globe. There are all kind of brothels catering to different services for the clients. However, for those looking for the best experiences within luxurious atmosphere go to an exclusive five-star brothel. Today, there are a large number of exclusive brothels coming up in different parts of the world who are legal, licensed and safe. These brothels are not just proud of their services but also has a long list of satisfied customers. 

Five Star Exclusive Brothels is a big business

Sex always sells and today, the brothel industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry. There are all kind of brothels you can choose from -- right form the quirky low-end ones to Five-star exclusive brothels. These brothels thrive well even during the low economic times.  For those looking for top luxury and excellent services, they need to go to an exclusive five-star brothel. Moreover, it is only the high rollers who can afford these breeds of brothels. While prostitution might be looked down upon and spoken about in hushed tones, it is legal and running successfully in several countries. 

Here are a couple of the five-star exclusive brothel that are well famous across the world for their high-end services.

  • The Penthouse in Australia
    When it comes to adult entertainment, Australia doesn’t lag behind. The extravagantly decorated Penthouse is a game changer and spells out sophistication. Decorated in a modern way, its elite clientele arrives here to fulfil their erotic fantasies and pick from elegant and beautiful girls from Asia, Africa, and Scandinavia. 
  • Club LV in Amsterdam
    A five-star exclusive brothel, Club LV is the most famous in Amsterdam. With a modern décor in back vibes and a little Asian kinky and gilt, its interiors and rooms are tastefully done in leopard skin. Only a very few can afford the high-class escort services and expensive drinks in its luxury rooms. 
  • Café Millennium in Brazil
    Another exclusive five-star brothel is Café Millennium which looks more like an upscale international nightclub is Café Millennium in Brazil. There is a fancy restaurant along with a great swimming pool. Café Millennium lures hundreds of clients looking for a great experience. It is indeed one of the most high-end brothels of its class. 
  • Yab Yum in Amsterdam
    Yab Yum is a five-star exclusive brothel that is perfectly legal and licensed. It was reopened as a museum and carries a different kind of air about it. It is interesting to see those original kinds of beds and the great bar. Those looking for a unique experience must visit this high-end brothel. 
  • Paradise in Germany
    Located in Germany, Paradise is one of the top five-star exclusive brothels that should not be missed out. Based on the Moroccan theme, only the aristocrats can afford to enjoy its services in its private rooms. Take advantage of its expertly trained staff and young women and enjoy their specialized services. 
  • GC Leonardo in Czech
    GC Leonardo with its sleek and elegant furnishing looks like a modern European hotel. The brothel promises guaranteed satisfaction when it comes to erotic services. However, you need to have a fat bank balance to enjoy the services at GC Leonardo. You will love their VIP roof garden complete with a hot tub where you will find some beautiful young women relaxing. 
  • Sheri’s in Las Vegas
    Sheri’s is another upmarket brothel that caters to wealthy businessmen on their trips. There is even a resort attached to this five-star exclusive brothel. All you need to do is browse their website and book the kind of services you are looking for.